
Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan has been rowing with a man on Twitter after he criticised her new photoshoot.

LINDSAY LOHAN is embroiled in a bitter Twitter row with a member of the social networking site - who only has five followers.

The 'Mean Girls' star got caught up in an online row with Adrian Sanderson, who made comments about Lohan's new shoot with photographer Tyler Shields, reports the Sun.

He told her: "Try to keep it classy, not more softcore porn with some guy draped over you."

However, Lohan was not impressed with his advice and said: "It's not softcore porn hunny, it's called ART."

The man then accused her of posing with a model just to get back at her former girlfriend Samantha Ronson.

He said: "Is this how you'll get back at Sam? A photoshoot with a guy all over you?

"Try to keep some self respect! No trashy stuff!"

It seems Lindsay's dad isn't the only man intent on influencing her life...