
Rocker Slash never slept with porn star girlfriend TRACI LORDS because he was too high on drugs when they were dating.
The top hat-sporting axe magician briefly stepped out with the celebrated adult actress in 1989, but the pair never consummated their relationship because the rocker was too interested in feeding his out of control crack habit.

A forlorn Slash recalls inviting his new love to his apartment but being too incapacitated to perform.

He said: “By the time Traci showed up (friend) West and I were crawling around on the carpet looking for rocks. We were a mess.”

Traci then stormed out after West confronted her with one of the x-rated films she had starred in.

Slash adds: “West was so high he thought nothing of going over to my bookshelves, retrieving New Wave Hookers, pointing to the cover and saying, ‘That’s you isn’t it?’

“I’d seen her in this movie where she was bent over holding her ankles and she looked amazing.

“It was very entertaining but somewhat of a tease because Traci and I hadn’t slept together.”